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Teaching Assistant

Teacher's Assistant has changed to Teaching Assistant

A slight change in word, a big change in expectation

 "I personally feel that the title should now be Assistant Teacher due to the fact that the role involves assisting the teaching & learning process within the classroom."

TA Placements available ASAP in a range of Mainstream & AEN Schools

Schools have various names for the position of a TA. LSA (Learning Support Assistant is probably a better name, due to the fact that the role is to support Teaching and Learning. Another title is CWA, Classroom Welfare Assistant. I'm sure that there are several others, but TA & LSA are the most common titles.

TAs are now expected to be involved in the Teaching and Learning process. You are there to assist in developing the learning skills of the children in your class.

You will be involved in one of the following ways:

  • Working With A Class
  • Working With A Subject
  • Working With A Child 

Your role will be to work with a given teacher and class group. Working under the directive of a class teacher (mainly primary school age range).                                                                                                                                                                                                Your role will be to work in a department mainly in a Secondary School setting. This will often be English and or Maths. The Head of Department will decide where, when and who you will be working with.  You will attend departmental meetings and will work under the direction of the class teacher. You will possibly work with Children with Special Needs as individuals or in small groups. You will also be involved with the SENCO and IEP(Individual Education Plan).

Your role will be to work with an individual child who has a Statement of Needs. You will be under the directive of the class teacher and/ or SENCO (Schools Special Needs Co-Ordinator).

HLTA: Higher Level Teaching Assistant. This position is for an experienced TA who could take a class unaided for short periods of time.  They may be responsible for the organisation and running of the schools assistants. They may also be the school SENCO (Special Needs Co-Ordinator). HTLA often will hold a qualification (CACHE Level 2 or 3). 

As you can see from the information above the role of a TA is a challenging and demanding one. TAs play an important role and are part of the successful running of a  school.

When you start off as a TA you are not expected to hold a qualification unless you go for a HLTA role. Schools will however promote courses that help you gain an appropriate qualification.

Please also read the SENCO section and go to the Vacancies section for current positions.